General MacArthur
Freeze Mark: 12620781
Birth Year: 2012
Description: Buckskin Gelding
From: Kamma Mountain, NV
Gathered: 08/03/2013
Arrived at New Freedom Farm: 4/01/2018
Miles Trailered to arrive at NFF: 2,450
Have you already read about Mustang Ghost? If not, the story will all make sense soon! If so, Mustang General MacArthur was adopted the day Ghost was unable to come to New Freedom Farm. (Don’t worry, the story has a happy ending for all.) If you have the opportunity to watch Lois and General interact the bond in incredible, one of a kind! Lois is General’s human, and General is Lois’s Mustang. As with all of the Mustang’s at the farm, countess hours go into the gentling process, General MacArthur was no different. He is outgoing, spunky and always ready to participate in any of the “goings on“ at the farm. If General had it his way, he would stand under the tent next to the table and watch Lois have lunch every day. He would also invite himself to represent the equine voice at the table in the Community Center during meetings…if Lois let him! Please give General a little extra space when visiting, sometimes he gets a bit excited and gives a little nip…To a pasture mate that may be okay but we humans don’t have fur and may end up with a bruise.
Likes: Being the center of attention, the hay buggy, hanging out with any and all
Dislikes: Watching other horses get attention, waiting for the grain bowl.