Freeze Mark: 10612879
Birth Year: 2010
Description: Buckskin Gelding
From: Fallon NV
Arrived at New Freedom Farm: 08/01/2018
Miles Trailered to arrive at NFF: 2,500

Mustang Ghost is a confident and social Mustang that enjoys saying hello to those who stop to admire his beauty. Ghost was in holding and only known as number 2879 (the last 4 of his Freeze Mark) when a very special Veteran of New Freedom Farm told Lois “That’s The One”! As Lois worked to adopt him, he was injured in the loading process and was unable to be adopted. His future was unknown at that time but as anyone who knows Lois…she will never give up. Through her efforts as he healed, number 2789 was able to be adopted and made New Freedom Farm his home in August of 2018. In the beginning Ghost was scared, tough and not trusting of humans. He had a more traumatic gathering process than usual which did not help. After many months, thousands of hours of gentling Lois’s efforts came shining through as Ghost is now one of the most “social” Mustangs on the farm, a true gentle giant. He can often be found in a front pasture greeting those who come up the drive, or being led by humans of all ages, enjoying the attention and goings on of the farm. Many ladies of the farm are jealous of his natural color in his mane, not to mention he is quite the kisser!
Likes: Head rubs, greeting the humans that visit the farm, grazing, sunbathing, being led by his humans…especially the little ones, General, Watson and Sage.