Rosie the Riveter
Freeze Mark: 17025503
Birth Year: 2017
Description: Dunn Mare
From: Kiger, OR
Gathered: 05/16/2019
Arrived at New Freedom Farm: 9/01/2019
Miles Trailered to arrive at NFF: 2,550

Rosie the Riveter is the youngest Mustang (not born on the farm) to call New Freedom Farm home, she also held the record for the longest distance trailered until Ms. Grace arrived and took that by a few miles. Rosie is a Kiger Mustang which makes her rare for many reasons. Kiger Mustangs live in a remote area of Oregon and have distinct and unique markings and features. Lois and Rosie have something in common…they are both pigeon toed! Rosie has a sweet disposition, she is calm and gentle and is often seen smiling in the pasture. Do you see the smile in her picture?
Likes: Neck scratches, being led, grazing, enjoying the beauty of the farm with the mares