Freeze Mark: 12767014
Birth Year: 2012
Description: Brown and White Paint
From: Cedar Mountain Utah HMA
Gathered: 7/20/2018
Arrived at New Freedom Farm: 10/01/2018
Miles Trailered to arrive at NFF: 2,000

Mustang Watson arrived at New Freedom Farm needing much love and TLC, he was underweight and scared of the world. He is a Triple Strike Mustang, meaning New Freedom Farm was his last chance at a life outside of a holding pen. He was shy but observant, he spent his first few months happily eating hay and drinking water. It took him several months to warm up to humans; The humans in his life worked at his pace, spending countless hours sitting with him, reading him books, just being present so he could learn to trust and his humans could earn his trust. He finally allowed the “first touch”, Navy Nick remembers it like yesterday and the rest is history. Watson is cautious but curious, he is human selective but trusts those he has built a bond with. He is calm and observant. Watson can often be found in one of the front pastures as you enter the farm, if you give a simple whistle when arriving you may get a very sweet head turn “hello” as you come up the drive.
Likes: Walking with his humans, Grain, Grass, Hay, body rubs / scratches with short finger nails, Lois’s ABC song, Sage and Ghost